
Tokyo Glitter’s services

Operations management package supporting management of all kinds of in-house tasks

This comprehensive package has benefits in many different areas of operations management, including collaboration within or between departments, through to business administration.

By incorporating your mainframe into a cloud server, we enable access from both company premises and outside locations while taking security considerations into account.

Levels of accessibility can be easily changed according to the workload.




Trial version of the operations management package, valid for a set period

This package is for enterprises wishing to try out the operations management package for a trial period of 1-3 months. Enterprises can roll over to the full operations management package on completion of the trial without any additional hassle.

Website Creation & Web Utilization Support

The world of the Internet is evolving so fast that terms like “IT” and “broadband” now sound antiquated.

Many enterprises embarked on ventures chasing business opportunities in a new market, but very few actually achieved profitability.

So are websites redundant?

No. The Internet might not be a money-bearing tree, but use it only perfunctorily and trust in your company will quickly diminish. The Internet is a place for giving expression to your company’s philosophy and the trust you earn.

  • We present ideas for utilizing and running websites to generate business benefits.
  • Specifically, who is your audience and how do you want them to react?
  • What is needed for that to happen?

We do more than create websites that look nice. We will support you the whole way, starting with determination of concrete objectives and goals.

Leave even the basics like ensuring smartphone compatibility and search engine optimization (SEO) to us.

NexCamera system

The NexCamera system provides all-round support for business in enhancing security through to production process improvements.

  • Images from multiple cameras can be viewed on a single PC
  • Images can be viewed on a range of devices, including tablets and smartphones
  • Only accessible from devices authorized by the administrator
  • Clear images are saved as highly compressed files and can therefore be recorded to a cloud server
  • Exceptionally low-cost and easy to install

“Security camera” is already a term of times past.

Security measures today have broad-reaching purposes—to combat crime targeting companies and to prevent product tampering or information leaks, for example. And in Japan, enforcement of the Social Security and Tax Number (My Number) Law has created an even bigger security workload for corporations.

Pushing ahead with business without security measures in place is simply too risky. Until now, however, such measures have been out of reach for small companies and sole proprietorships with there being no systems around worthy of the expensive price tag.

Not only is NexCamera a powerful security tool, it even has the ability to enhance business operations, for example through improvements to production lines and real-time tracking of inventories.

The system is also compatible with many different cameras irrespective of brand (though some cameras are not supported), meaning cameras already installed can be used. New camera installations are easy, too, and can be done anywhere for low cost and in little time.

We are in possession of video data compression technology unavailable elsewhere that enables recording of compressed data to a cloud server as well as uninterrupted real-time viewing of high-quality images. Analysis of recorded video can be put to good use when trying to raise productivity and improve flows.

Business Startup Support (Line Connection & Office Furniture and Fixture Installation)

Feel free to inquire about anything, including establishment of Internet and telephone connections and selection of furniture and fixtures.

The service is customizable down to the fine detail to accommodate your particular budget and requirements. Unnecessary costs and hassle are eliminated.

Contact us for an installation proposal suited to your business or an estimate.