Hello and welcome.
I am Wataru Sakurai, CEO of Tokyo Glitter
In an unexpected turn of events two years ago, we started a company. Time slipped by and already we are about to enter our third year having secured a place, despite our small size, at the “IT firms” table, albeit bunched up at the far end.
Ideal, reality, ideal, ideal…
Before donning the CEO’s hat…
I was a know-it-all, making patronizing comments to those around me about all the different websites I saw.
Things like:
- Why do so many companies fail to keep a proper blog?
- Don’t they have anything to say?
- Don’t they want to explain their services and ideas in more detail?
- Surely people would develop much more of an affinity for a company’s services if it told them about who they were and their ideas.
Yes, I’m afraid I did say those things.
Sorry. (Teary eyes)
The matter of processing capability
But when the time came to slip on my own CEO’s shoes, I found I was giving everything just to keep the business rolling over.
A blog? Twitter?? Facebook???
What is that? Is it good? It tastes better with mayonnaise, huh?
It was as if I had strapped on a jet engine and was propelling myself in the completely opposite direction away from IT altogether.
Delivering a good product nevertheless
Nevertheless, things finally started to pick up after we managed to win our first big system development job. I sat down with the engineer and we discussed where we should go from there. We agreed we had a really good product and so perhaps it would be best to say more about what we were doing in a blog or something.
And if others going through what we experienced managed to stumble upon our blog, that would be good, too.
In short, two years on I heaved myself to my feet, along with the weight I had put on, and got moving. (Finally!)
To finish…
We will tell you more, bit by bit, in the days ahead, the two of us taking turns.
From me, useless chatter (oh dear…)…
And from the engineer…
Articles that will make engineers’ eyes light up
Updates are likely to appear at a leisurely pace, but please join us.

((The photos are ones I took the other day of my work environment at home. I do get work done, I really do.))
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